I haven’t provided any updates here for a little while as life has taken over somewhat, but that’s not to say nothing has been happening with Beneath a Mother's Feet. On the contrary, the film has continued to travel around the globe, and I’ve been developing new ideas and projects while balancing these with my day job and family responsibilities, which has been both challenging and rewarding.

Beneath a Mother's Feet has been officially selected at several BAFTA and BIFA qualifying festivals, and these selections now mean the film can formally be considered for both awards, so we’re making submissions to both. The film has earned several nominations and awards, including winning the Juthour Award for Most Promising Filmmaker at the Toronto Arab Film Festival.

Beneath a Mother's Feet was also picked up by MAD Distribution to represent the film across the Arab region. A huge thanks to filmmaker, Saudade Kanaan, for connecting me with them, and I’m eager to see how the film will reach new audiences in the region.

In June, Beneath a Mother's Feet was one of three films shown at the Southbank Centre as part of their month-long "Home" programme as part of Refugee Week. The film screened alongside An Orange from Jaffa by Mohammed Almughanni (Palestine) and Al Sit by Suzannah Mirghani (Sudan). Although my film doesn’t follow the typical refugee narrative, I hope it contributes meaningfully to discussions around migration and the often complex reasons why people leave their homes in search of something better.

Being part of this screening was an incredible experience. I owe a lot to Sarah Agha and the Arab Film Club for inviting me to contribute. The response from the audience and the discussions that followed were really inspiring, and for those interested, you can listen to the post-screening Q&A in this podcast. It’s moments like these that remind me of the power of cinema to bring these important stories to life.

As I continue working on new projects and ideas, Beneath a Mother's Feet remains close to my heart. I’m proud of where the film has been and excited to see where it will go next.
