Film Fest Reflections: Tunis Edition.

The Panorama International Short Film Festival in Tunis is more than just an event; it's a vital cultural milestone that showcases the diverse and unique narratives from the SWANA (South West Asia and North Africa) region. My attendance at the festival was an eye-opening journey, offering insights into the myriad of untold stories brought to life through the films on display. Tunis, with its blend of historical depth and contemporary vibrancy, proved to be an ideal backdrop for a festival that celebrates the cinematic contributions of the Maghreb.

Kamal, the festival director, is the driving force behind this important cultural showcase. His dedication and vision are palpable, as he navigates challenges to propel the festival into the international spotlight. Equally memorable was the hospitality shown by his father, adding a personal touch to my brief stay, which enriched the overall experience.

One of the festival's highlights was meeting Samir, a fellow filmmaker from Algeria. His passion for cinema and deep understanding of our region's history were not just inspiring but also a reminder of the power of film to bridge gaps and connect us through shared stories.

Having my short film, 'Beneath a Mother’s Feet', included in the festival's diverse selection was an honour. This experience has left me optimistic about the festival's future and its ongoing role in highlighting the voices and stories from the Maghreb and beyond. I am eager to see how it grows and evolves in the coming years and look forward to the possibility of participating again.

My heartfelt thanks go out to Kamal and everyone involved in the festival for their commitment to bringing cinematic voices from the Maghreb and SWANA region to the forefront. Their work is a crucial step in ensuring that our stories are heard and appreciated on a global stage.


Indie Films Shine in Budapest.
